Digital kit
Reference Digital Kit Program and "Next Generatión EU". : KD/0000047551
Solution category/s: Business Intelligence and Analytics
Name of solution: Nax Solutions
Solution DescriptionAs Digitizing Agents, we offer the solution of satellite image processing for agriculture, we can detect and see how the crop is doing and how much it is going to produce. The idea is that the farmer, before going to the field to look for possible problems, already knows in advance which ones he has, where they are and how to solve them. We provide direct solutions by indicating to the farmer where each input should be applied and the specific needs of each soil and each crop, the optimal harvesting areas, where, when and how much to irrigate and fertilize. With Nax the farmer knows at all times the status of his crop.
The Program's budget will be financed from Investment 3 of Component 13 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU.
Price rangeFrom 100 euros.